Chinese translation for "export port"
- 出口港
Related Translations:
exports: 不知道,那是什么出口产品出口额,出口签证出口货排出,出口量;输出品输出额
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Audio video exports ports , vga port , stereo sound exports Av音频视频输出端口vga端口 | | 2. | Export ports to define and pursue 输出端口定义图 | | 3. | Qinhuangdao is an ice - free port in north china and the biggest export port for energy resources . it is also a beautiful seaside tourist city 秦皇岛是中国北部的一个不冻良港,是目前中国最大的能源输出港口,同时也是一个美丽的海滨旅游城市。 | | 4. | It also locates in changjiang delta which has flourishing economy and solid industry base . zhangjiagang is the important import & export port of this area . so the problem of how to adapt zhangjiagang port to thedevelopment of theexternal environment and how to sever region economy better is worth studying 张家港港是长江黄金水道入海口的重要港口之一,地处经济发达、工业雄厚的长江三角洲地区,担负着长江中上游货物的中转任务,为此,如何适应外部环境的发展,更好为区域经济服务是张家港港值得研究的问题。 |
- Similar Words:
- "export performance" Chinese translation, "export permit" Chinese translation, "export pier" Chinese translation, "export point" Chinese translation, "export point of gold" Chinese translation, "export potential" Chinese translation, "export power" Chinese translation, "export preference-receiving country" Chinese translation, "export prepayment" Chinese translation, "export prepayments" Chinese translation